Monday, April 21, 2014

Lake Martin 50

Lake Martin 50
March 29, 2014 - Alexander City, AL

Distance: 50 Miles
Elevation Gain: 5,598 ft.

Time: 10:51
Place: 16th / 60 finishers
Finishers Percentile: 73rd Percentile

I finished my first 50 Miler. I went down to Alabama and raced it with my brother-in-law, Neal (the guy that introduced me to trail running a year ago.) What a run!!! The rain made it feel like it was a tough mudder at times, but 50 miles long. We ran a 25 mile loop twice. There were two aid stations #1 The Stables (Start/finish/aid station) and #2 Heavens Hills (the only decent view on the course.) 

My initial plan was to run the race with my Salomon hydration pack. However, after talking with Neal, I decided to start out with a water bottle and switch to a pack if I needed since the aid stations were about 6 miles apart and very well stocked. I loved running with a water bottle and I never switched to the pack. Water bottle the whole way.

Here is Neal and I before the race. All smiles then.
We started the race in some light rain which picked up a little as the race went on. Here is a picture of me pulling into the Heavens Hills aid station.
Heavens Hills aid station was pretty good. I liked all the food choices. The first 18 miles was pretty good, I took it easy which paid off in the end. One thing I love about trail runners is how friendly they are. I paced with a 100 mile racer from Fort Worth named Gerardo Ramirez. He does races like this every couple weeks, I gathered. Anyway, we had some good conversations, great guy. Later on, I found out he got 1st place in the 100 miler. I was pretty happy for him. later on around 15 miles, my mind wandered and I took a wrong turn. I realized it about 1/3 of a mile into my new path, and I turned around and went back. I cannot explain to you the discouragement one can feel when they take a wrong turn at one of these ultras. I had to quickly forget about it and move on. I pulled into the stables aid station at 18 miles feeling pretty good. I set off to do the south loop. For some reason, I hated the south loop. I did not have fun on that loop. I don't know why. Later on, Neal told me that was one of his favorite sections, lol.

When I pulled into the half way point back to the stables, Kat, Kristin and the kids surprised us to cheer us on. That was SOOOOO motivating. I am so grateful they were there. It gave me the boost I needed to go run another 25 miles. I pulled into the half way point about 10 minutes after Neal at about 4 hours and 50 min. Here is Neal pulling in at 25 miles.
Here are some pics that Kat got of me finishing the first 25 mile loop.
It was awesome to see Ivy. She really gave me a lot of motivation. Here are some pics at the aid station at 25 miles. I had a drop bag and I changed my shoes, socks and got a new shirt.
I filled up the water battle, got some grub, gave my little girl a kiss and headed off to do another 25 miles.
It was AMAZING to change into dry socks and dry shoes. But, it really only lasted a couple of miles before they got wet again. Here are a few pics of the surrounding areas.
Here is Kristin and Noah by the stables. Thanks again for coming guys. It meant a lot, really.
The last 25 mile loop was very hard. It was muddy and wet. Looped courses are not fun in the rain because the mud gets worse and worse. I slid and fell a couple times. I got some good battle scars to show my wife :) I had never run past 32ish miles before this race, so I was venturing into new territory. At the 32 mile aid station, I was so hungry, I over ate and I felt it on the next section of the run. I was careful not to over eat again. I honestly can't really remember many of my thoughts on that last loop. I just remember being tired and I just keep chugging along. Its funny, during the first half of the race, I was social with people. But during the second half, I just wanted to run alone. It was pretty thinned out by then anyway, so I didn't see anyone. One guy came cruising along and passed me. I just wanted to say "Uh, what have you been doing the last 38 miles?" From then on out, I passed a few people that were caught up at aid stations and what not.

I do remember dreading the last 7 mile south loop. My main goal was to finish under 11 hours. So during that last loop, I picked it up a little bit. I really tried to enjoy it as much as I could. :) I actually passed about 3 people on that last south loop. Neal said I would see some carnage out there and he was right. These people were trying so hard to move their legs, but were having the hardest time.

I pulled in under my goal at 10 hours and 51 minutes. I was SO happy that I reached my goal of under 11 hours. Here is a short video that Neal caught of me finishing the race. I did receive a good welcome from the spectators. You will notice that I ran into the Stables to tell the guy that I finished lol.

I felt pretty good after the race. It was such a relief to be done. I was SO happy that it was over. I just wanted to relax. I went and took a shower and sat down and ate some cookies and about 3 bowls of chili. Here are some pics in the stables after the race.
I ended up getting 16th out of 78 starters and I was pretty happy about that. Neal did awesome. He got 9th and finished at 10 hours. He told me that it was one of the hardest 50s he has done. We both agreed that a point to point with views would be more ideal, but we were glad that we were able to do the race together before they head back to California.

I weighed about 185 lbs for this race. For my next ultra, I want to weigh about 175 lbs. I still feel like I was a little heavy for this distance. The recovery was far more fatiguing than any other race that I have ever done. I felt tired for about a week after. I was just exhausted. My MCL was a little sprained, but I am getting over it. I tried to drink and eat as much as I could after the race, but my immune system was still a little suppressed from the run. I got a little cold, but it didn't last long. 

Not only was it a good physical exercise (understatement), it was an awesome mental exercise. I know that there are gonna be many long, tiring days and night ahead of me during medical school and residency and I say, Bring it on. I know what it is like to be fatigued, I know what it is like to be in pain. I know what it is like to be tempted to quit. AND I know what it is like to finish!!! I'll do it again.

Thanks Kat for letting me do this race and for supporting me during the training. You are the best!!!

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