Sunday, March 16, 2014

Big South Fork 17.5 Mile Trail Run

Big South Fork 17.5 Mile Trail Run
Sept. 28, 2013 - Oneida, TN

Distance: 17.5 Miles
Elevation Gain: 1,887 ft.

Time: 2:48:27
Place: 60th / 168 finishers
Finishers Percentile: 64th Percentile

Besides getting stung by bee's, I loved this run. Starting the race with a downhill is the best thing in the world. You get warmed up, your joints loose with not much effort. I MADE sure to have water with me this time, so I bought a pack. The purchase was well worth it. I made sure to start off the race slower than I wanted to and that made all the difference in the world.

The run was very scenic. We ran under these big rock overhangs a few times that were awesome. Then my other favorite part was running along the ridge with a cool view of the river. Tennessee is awesome. The scenery is a very motivating factor believe it or not.

So as I was running, I heard this girl about a 100 ft. in front of me yell one of my favorite swear words and I was thinking, oh man, I hope she didn't fall and twist her ankle. Then about 10 seconds later, I felt two stings on my leg which make me shout out. It DID make me run faster when I realized I was being stung by bees. Then about 15 seconds later, I hear the guy behind me yell in pain. When the race finished, everyone was talking about how many bee stings they had. It turned into a bragging fest. It made me wish I was stung by more when I had to say "only two bees stung me."

This was meant to be a training run leading up to my first 50k. It was only an hour away and I needed the distance, so I said why not AND I am sure glad I did because they served us BBQ at the end!!! Ohhh yeah. Awesome event.

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